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Time for some blog posts!
My blog is composed of my writing on a variety of topics. It serves as a journal, a source of entertainment, and hopefully a resource to help others.
Burt Rosen
Dec 11, 20232 min read
Not all plungers are for toilets!
So, I am in NYC right now being hosted by my amazing sister and brother-in-law (Lisa and Aaron - two people that I appreciate more than...
Burt Rosen
Nov 30, 20232 min read
Cure Blog Post # 1 - Can I be spiritual even if I don't believe in god? (spoiler alert, yes I can)
Link to the blog post on Cure Sorry Mom, but I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in God. Not only do I not believe in God, but sometimes I...
Burt Rosen
Nov 30, 20231 min read
Burt is now a professional writer!
Something exciting happened to me recently. I was writing a blog post and got an email from a magazine called Cure requesting articles. I...
Burt Rosen
Nov 16, 20232 min read
ICDI # 2 (I Can Do It - and I did!) - The trip to CA
My ICDI program continues to be a major piece of my healing. Last week, I took my second ICDI trip (trip # 1 can be found here) from...
Burt Rosen
Nov 7, 20232 min read
Cancer, shmancer. I'm better than ever! (I know I'm lucky)
I don't want to be judged for my diagnosis. I want to be accepted for who I am. Here's what's interesting. I was diagnosed with two...
Burt Rosen
Oct 28, 20231 min read
10/28 - Update
It's been a month since updates but that's since there hasn't been a ton of changes going on. Here's the update! Symptoms are still...
Burt Rosen
Oct 16, 20232 min read
ICDI - An update and some thoughts
By now, if you've been following along, you've read about my ICDI program. It's a program designed just for me and stands for I Can Do...
Burt Rosen
Sep 26, 20233 min read
1,800 miles of solo, soul searching, self-learning adventure
As you know, I took a really long trip by myself. My goal was the Integrative Oncology conference in Banff, but I figured, "hey, why not...
Burt Rosen
Sep 26, 20231 min read
9/26 - Quick Update
Quick health updates: Had my CT scan and Oncologist (Dr. Pegna) appointment yesterday Dr said I am "solidly stable" I stay on my...
Burt Rosen
Sep 20, 20233 min read
What else is there? Beyond just the core four
For those who know, I just got back from an 1,800 mile, 10 day road trip that included camping and hiking in Glacier National Park and...
Burt Rosen
Sep 6, 20232 min read
T-minus 2 days to my biggest ICDI trip yet, Banff via Glacier National Park
Ok, here it comes, my biggest ICDI effort to date! 9/8 - I drive from Portland to Coeur D'Alene Idaho 9-9 - Coeur D'Alene to Coram MT...
Burt Rosen
Aug 27, 20233 min read
8/27 Updates
Long time no post. Largely, because not a lot of interesting stuff is going on. I am still doing pretty well overall This past week I've...
Burt Rosen
Aug 14, 20232 min read
One of the things I am dealing with is a little bit of fear. What if I can't do the things I used to be able to? What if I am too worried...
Burt Rosen
Aug 3, 20233 min read
Decisions, decisions, decisions: Measure twice, cut once
Today someone asked me a great question, and I felt like it warranted a blog post. So, it's getting a blog post! "Burt, what's your...
Burt Rosen
Jul 26, 20232 min read
7/26 Updates
Long time no update, so it's time. Pair that with the fact that I'm sitting at the auto dealer waiting for my car and it's the perfect...
Burt Rosen
Jul 12, 20235 min read
Reframing the “D” word
For those who have been following along with the bouncing ball that is my life, you know a few things about me: I have two primary...
Burt Rosen
Jul 1, 20234 min read
What a difference a year makes!
Yes, today Damian Lillard requested a trade from the Blazers, but this post isn't about that. I love him and I hope he wins a...
Burt Rosen
Jun 21, 20233 min read
6/21 Updates
It's been a minute since my last update but I have a good reason, I promise! On June 9 I had my surgery. For those who have been...
Burt Rosen
May 30, 20232 min read
Words matter
Guess what June 4th is? It's National Cancer Survivors Day according to the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. Guess what I...
Burt Rosen
May 28, 20232 min read
5/28 Updates
Ok, before I do anything, SHOUT OUT TO THE ORIGINAL BURTNESS BOOSTER, my amazing mother-in-law, Carolyn Moore. She had hip replacement...
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