It's been a while so have an update. And no, you can't get fries with that. Unless they are 5 Guys Cajun style, then it's ok.
I'm recovering well from the lung surgery. I think I underestimated it a bit and the first one and a half to two weeks were harder, but now I am much better
No pain
Very little soreness
A lot of fatigue (sounds like an Austin Powers character) but getting better from the surgery
Incision sites are healing, still swollen a bit but healing
My current treatment for the PNET is a once-monthly shot
Just had it on Wednesday (5/10) and the fatigue has been really bad
I am now using my soon-to-be patented "Step Strategy". I take a step up to do something, and determine if I can then take another step up, or if I need to go back down a step. I am sleeping a lot but I probably need it anyway
My stomach issues have basically calmed down
My skin issues are much better
Most days I am "fine", working, volunteering, walking when I can, etc. I usually rest or nap daily
Upcoming stuff:
Appointment with my surgeon (for the June 9 surgery) on Monday. One thing I learned from the lung surgery is that I didn't ask enough questions before the procedure so I didn't know what to expect, what healing milestones I should hit, etc. I am being much smarter for June
Still do acupuncture every other week and love it. It helps me mentally and physically
Blood draw on 5/15 to see how my blood is doing
Nutritionist call on 5/16 to discuss any nutrition recommendations for surgery
Then, the FUN begins! From 5/18-5/22, we will be in Orange CA for my Romy's college graduation!!!! WTF!!!!!! She graduates Sunday morning at 8 am with her class. We will hang out for a few days and get back to Portland on 5/22.
That's the update! As always, if you have any questions, thoughts or comments please let me know!
I love the positive report about your skin and stomach issues + no pain. I'm all for that! Rest up. Glad you're taking rest seriously. It's so important! Big hugs, Carolyn