Amazing week!
I start the Temozolomide part of my chemo tonight (1/28)
In case you don't remember (it's not easy) I am on Capecitabine (Cap) and Temozolomide (Tem). My protocol is 14 days on Cap, the last 5 days on Tem too, and then 14 days of no chemo drugs
I've been feeling great this week. Honestly, the best I have in a while. A couple of my highlights
I was in yoga (which I love and I am convinced is helping me a lot) and realized how much I love my body. Crazy right? Even with everything that is going on with me my body is letting me live a good life
I feel more like myself than I have in years. My energy is good, I am happy with what I am doing, I feel like I am helping others, I am getting validation, I am happier, nicer, more patient, more appreciative. I am feeling like my "Burtness" (just to warn you I like my new word and will probably use it a lot!) is the highest that its been in a long time! Yay!
My symptoms are fairly light again. I did join a gym and have started doing more aerobic and strength stuff. On days that I work out I tend to have less energy at night and can be a little more out of it. Krista has noticed a bit more brain fog on those days too. My other symptoms are still:
Stomach issues
I had a great appointment with the OHSU Naturopath on 1/26. She is definitely one of my favorite people on my team. We talked a lot about supplements and she feels that given my progress and overall pacing that I shouldn't be adding a lot of supplements in right now. She does think that I should continue my curcumin drips which I do in my off chemo weeks with Dr Marz (my long time naturopath for those following along at home)
That's about it for this week! Next week, other than therapy, nothing exciting. Although my two off weeks begin and we head to Southern California for 9 days or so.
Love the re-emergence of Burtness! The world can always use more Burtness. Best wishes for an easy time with Tem. You’ve got this. Lots of love, Carolyn
Here's to maximizing Burtness!